Saturday, January 17, 2009

Horrible, Horrible Day

Told by me, Cherry and Rusty's mum.

Yesterday was supposed to be a super fun day withe the family. But sadly, it ended up the complete opposite. On the way up to one of my favourite places, Lake Tinarro, we saw a horrible accident. It was just 5-10 minutes drive away from my house. Luckily we didn't see it happen, but we saw the evidence. There was a squashed bike on the side of the road, with blood all around it. And it was a truck that caused the accident. There was police there and everything. I couldn't stop crying. It was horrible. I doubt the person made it. I was thinking of the family, the friends of the person. They would've said goodbye, see you soon. But then never to see the person again. Oh, horrible, horrible.

Then, the second event was HORRIBLE too, as it involved my cousin...who is much, much younger than me. I was helping put the boat into the water, when the rope got tangled to the trailer. I was in the boat, as I had to keep an eye on the engine, as so it wouldn't fall and smash. Dad has to drive the ute fast to get it up the hill. My cousin was in the way, as we were not expecting the rope from the boat to tangle to the trailer. But it did. My uncle tried to grab my cousin, but cousin tripped. He went under the boat. The boat went straight over him, I was screaming, and then the boat kept going over the concrete. Unfortunately, dad had the window of the loud ute closed, so he couldn't hear a thing. Eventually he stopped when he could feel extra weight of the boat being towed behind. We were all very worried about my cousin. He was taken to hospital.
Thank God, he escaped with very minor injuries considering the circumstances. He has cuts all over his face, and on his back, plus a deep cut in his head. He is fine now...after the boat went over him I thought he was dead. It was a bad dream, but the real thing.

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